Project: PropertyMatch

PropertyMatch is a desktop tool for property agents who want to organise their client profiles with their corresponding properties. Property agents can boost their efficiency by seamlessly matching their clients with their desired properties.

Given below are my contributions to the project.

  • Code contributed: RepoSense link

  • Enhancements implemented:
    • Added addcust commmand and tests
      • #56
      • #64
      • What it does: It takes in a command in the format addcust n/NAME p/PHONE e/EMAIL b/BUDGET [c/CHARACTERISTIC]…​ and add that customer to the database. Where NAME represents the name, PHONE represents the phone number, EMAIL represents the email, BUDGET represents the budget, and CHARACTERISTIC represent the properties’ characteristic wanted by the customer.
    • Added filtercust command and tests
      • #102
      • #117
      • What it does: It takes a command in the format filtercust [b/BUDGET] [c/CHARACTERISTIC]…​ and returns the customers who satisfy the predicate. Where BUDGET represents the minimum budget of the filtered customers and CHARACTERISTIC represents the minimum set of characteristics the filtered customers wanted.
    • Added filterprop command and tests
      • #107
      • #102
      • What it does: It takes a command in the format filterprop [pr/PRICE] [c/CHARACTERISTIC]…​ and returns the properties who satisfy the predicate. Where PRICE represents the minimum price of the filtered properties and CHARACTERISTIC represents the minimum set of characteristics the filtered properties wanted.
  • Contribution to the UG:
    • #26
    • #102
    • Added and updated addcust, filtercust, and filterprop description.
  • Contribution to the DG:
    • #102
    • #25
    • Added user stories.
    • Added and updated description and sequence diagram for filtercust and filterprop command.
  • Review/mentoring contributions:
    • Reviewed 16 PRs (Links to some PR reviews below)
    • Consistently answered queries from team members in the team chat
  • Contributions beyond the project team:
    • Did the product pitch for CS2101
    • Reported 10 bugs for other team during PED